Socks are already a staple of the new stay-at-home lifestyle, but we think it's more important than ever to take off your shoes at the front door and store them to keep germs and grime from sneaking into your space. If you do, you'll also have a chance to show off your most fashionable indoor footwear: socks!
With all of the new safety precautions, at-home work and school schedules, and unexpected budgeting we are suddenly dealing with, fashion trends in 2020 have veered sharply towards “quarantine chic," meaning we are wearing clothes that are comfortable, fun and affordable — and novelty socks are the stars of the at-home runway!
You might not be used to rocking your stay-home style, which is why we’re sharing all kinds of sock tips and style guides every day on our blog. If you’re wondering why socks make great accessories and gifts during the COVID-19 pandemic, check out all the ways that funky socks are the new shoes.
Work From Home
It’s casual Friday 24/7 when you’re working from home, but sometimes things can get a little too casual. You don’t have to sacrifice comfort or style even when you’ve got your shoes off inside the house and your “outfit of the day” consists of whatever didn’t smell pulled straight from a pile of laundry on the floor.
Socks keep your feet warm and cozy while you work and can enhance any outfit — even your PJ’s! If you lean towards simple and subdued styles, our bamboo socks for women and men are the softest socks to ever grace your feet and they come in simple patterns like stripes, as well as cute novelty motifs like cherry blossoms and cats. You can find something for every casual Monday through casual Friday in our online selection of over 1,000 novelty sock styles!
Home School
Kids are also working from home, which has been met with a whole spectrum of feelings ranging from elation to despair from parents and kids alike. Shoes are fine for your backyard "recess" periods, but funny socks not only brighten those gloomy days spent home schooling inside, but they also give kids a sense of autonomy and control over their own fashion and self-expression. Kids can go really wild with their at-home outfits of the day. Picking out imaginative combinations and accessories is a unique experience that might as well count as an art lesson. Plus, the ritual of picking out their own socks and clothes offers children some stability during these unstable times. Check out our collection of kids’ socks and see what kind of crazy outfits your children can come up with.
Express Yourself
It’s not only the kiddos who can express themselves and find solace in socks during the coronavirus crisis. Nothing feels normal, but you can feel more like yourself when you express your deepest feelings with socks! Novelty sock fashion trends have exploded into a fabulous rainbow of designs, patterns and fun prints that cater to all personalities. There are socks for everyone, from sarcastic swear word socks like these “Five Funny Sock Styles for Lounging Around the House” to nerdy socks and floral motifs. Stay comfortable and fashionable all throughout quarantine, even with your shoes off.
They’re Inexpensive
Another big reason is to save money and increase the longevity of your kicks by opting for socks — not shoes — inside! Shoes are expensive, but socks are not. Budgets are tight as a recession looms over the world, and yet sock trends are gaining even more popularity as many people are cozying up at home to stay safe and keep their communities safe. Cozy up to a more affordable and comfortable fashion choice for your feet with cute socks!
A Gift for Every Occasion
Just because you’re social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t connect on holidays. FaceTime, Zoom, and good old-fashioned phone and text dates are necessary for nurturing our relationships and keeping us sane during these lonelier times. Spread some fun (and inexpensive) cheer with socks for every occasion and every personality. They’re perfect birthday gifts for all the kids, family, and friends whose birthdays must be celebrated from far away.
Free Shipping
With free shipping from Cute But Crazy across the U.S. (and free for orders over $50 to Canada), it’s super easy to order socks online or send socks as gifts to all your home-bound homies! Since most socks fit true to size (see the descriptions on individual styles for details), they’re easier than shoes to order and send with confidence that they’re going to fit who they’re going to.
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